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Who We Are

ADECO ( Asociación Amistad de Cristo Obrero ) is a non profit organization registered on the civil record of Jalpatagua, Jutiapa's departement - Guatemala since 1997. However, the founders have been realizing educational, medical and development labours since 1982.

ADECO initially started with the project of San José Obrero in Jalpatagua. Actually, the organization is formed by one delegation in San Ixtán ( a village of the municipality of Jalpatagua - Guatemala ) and one in the village of MalNombre ( Villa Mella - Dominican Republic ).

The coordinators of the centre in Guatemala are Francia Girón y Jaime Avelar who also initiated the project in the Dominican Republic. Due to a shortage of resources, the main efforts have been turned towards the centre of San Ixtán while the family members of Francia still been working in MalNombre. The working group in the Dominican Republic is called Asociación para la Educación y el Desarollo Integral Girón Paredes but it still administrated by ADECO.

The main motivation of ADECO is the development of infrastructures allowing an adequate and beneficial child education according to the social and sanitary local conditions. For this reason, the members of ADECO are also dedicating their efforts to resolve problems of child malnutrition in the centre of San Ixtán where we can also find the nutritional centre.

ADECO is actually formed by three sisters of Amistad de Cristo Obrero, one priest and a few girls who stayed on above centres after finishing their studies.

Our wishes and expectations are to improve the child and woman social conditions through the education.


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